Dr Christina Boswell (Senior Lecturer)

The University of Edinburgh
School of Social and Political Studies

Crystal Macmillan Building
15A George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LD
United Kingdom

Tel +44 (0)131 650 9924
Fax +44 (0)131 650 6546
Email christina.boswell[at]ed.ac.uk

Education Professional Experience Teaching Affiliations Publications
Research Focus:
  • European immigration and refugee policies
  • Theories of migration policy
  • Political philosophy and migration

Description of Research Interests

1997-2000 PhD, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science
PhD. thesis title: "Refugee Policy and the Limits of Liberal Universalism"
1993-1994 M.A. in European Politics and Administration, College of Europe, Bruges
B.A. Hons. in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Balliol College, Oxford University
2004 EU Marie Curie Excellence Grant
2000 EU Marie Curie post-doctoral fellowship
1997 UK Economic and Social Research Council, full scholarship for PhD
1993 British government scholarship for the College of Europe
1990 London Examining Board Prize for History
Professional Experience
May 2005-August 2006 Senior Researcher, Migration Research Group, HWWA/HWWI, Hamburg, Germany
July 2003 - April 2005 Founder and Head, Migration Research Group, HWWA, Hamburg, Germany
2001 - 2003 Marie Curie Fellow, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg
Since 2000 Associate Fellow, European Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London
1996 - 1999 Research Consultant, Policy Research Unit, UNHCR, Geneva
1995 - 1996 Field Officer, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Burundi
1995 Researcher, Inter-governmental Consultations on Immigration, Refugee and Asylum Policy (IGC), Geneva

1994 - 1995

Paid intern, Task Force on Justice and Home Affairs (Immigration and Asylum Unit), European Commission, Brussels
2005-2006 Europe and International Migration, MA in Peace Research, IFSH
2002 - 2003 Theories of International Politics, MA in Peace Research, IFSH
2000 Theory and Practice of Human Rights (Summer School), LSE
1999 Theories and Concepts of Nationalism, LSE
1998 - 1999 International Political Theory, LSE


Member of the Editorial Committee, IMISCOE (EU Network of Excellence on Immigration, Integration and Social Cohesion)
Member of Editorial Board, Migration Letters
Associate Member, Research on Immigration and Integration in the Metropolis (RIIM), Vancouver
Associate Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs
The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge: Immigration Policy and Social Research (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2009).
The Ethics of Refugee Policy (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005)
European Migration Policies in Flux: Changing Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion (Oxford: Blackwell?s and RIIA, 2003)
Here you can find a review of the book.

-- with Dan Hough, Politicising Migration: Opportunity or Liability for the Centre-Right in Germany, Journal of European Public Policy, 15:3 (2008), pp. 331-347

-- with Oana Ciobanu, Culture, Utility or Social Systems? Explaining the Cross-National Ties of Emigrants from Borsa, Romania, Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies (2008)

The Political Functions of Expert Knowledge: Knowledge and Legitimation in European Union Immigration Policy , Journal of European Public Policy, 15:4 (2008), pp. 471-488

Knowledge, Legitimation and the Politics of Risk: The Functions of Research in Public Debates on Migration, Political Studies, 56:3 (2008), pp. 1-22

Evasion, Reinterpretation and Decoupling: European Commission responses to the 'External Dimension' of Immigration and Asylum, West European Politics, 31:3 (2008), pp. 491-512

Combining Economics and Sociology in Migration Theory, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34:4 (2008), pp. 549-566

"Theorizing Migration Policy: Is There a Third Way?" International Migration Review 41:1 (2007), pp. 75-100

Migration Control in Europe after 9/11: Explaining the Absence of Securitization, Journal of Common Market Studies, 45:3 (2007), pp. 589-610

"The ?External Dimension? of EU Cooperation in Immigration and Asylum", International Affairs 73:3 (May 2003), pp. 619-38

"Spreading the ?costs? of asylum in Europe: Lessons Learned from UK and German Experiences", Journal of Refugee Studies, 16:3 (2003), pp. 316-335

"Des politiques européennes pour prévenir les causes des flux migratoires et de réfugiés: une approche intégrée?", Migrations-Société 14 :83 (Sep.-Oct. 2002), pp.113-28

"European Values and the Asylum Crisis", International Affairs 76/3 (July 2000), pp. 537-557
"Doing Justice to Refugees: Challenges and Limits of the Current Debate" (Review Article), International Journal of Human Rights 4:2 (Summer 2000), pp. 79-88
-- with Thomas Straubhaar, "The Illegal Employment of Foreign Workers: An Overview". In: Intereconomics, 39:1 (2004), pp. 4-7
"Burden-sharing in the New Age of Immigration", Migration Information Source, November 2003
-- with George Borjas and Jeff Crisp, "Poverty, International Migration and Asylum", WIDER Aspects 2002/2, pp. 1-3
"Terrorismusbekämpfung durch Einwanderungskontrolle? Ein Fall fehlgeleiteter politischer Antworten", Welt Trends, November (2001), pp. 149-52
"Trafficking Migrants: Desperate Measures, The World Today, November (2001), pp. 25-7
"Trafficking in Migrants: The Dark Side of Globalisation?", Sicherheit und Frieden 4 (2001), pp. 219-22
"The Conflict between Refugee Rights and National Interest: Background and Policy Strategies", Refugee Survey Quarterly 18/2 (November 1999), pp. 40-60

Book Chapters

"Migration Policy Debates in Europe after 9/11: Securitization, Embedded Liberalism, or the Quest for Legitimation?", in Terri E. Givens, Gary P. Freeman, and David L. Leal, eds. "Immigration Policy and Security: U.S., European, and Commonwealth Perspectives" (New York: Routledge, 2008)
"Migration in Europe", in Barbara Marshall, ed. "The Politics of Migration: A Survey" (London: Routledge, 2006)
"Labor Migration Programmes in Europe: History Repeating Itself?", in H. Henke, ed., Crossing Over: Comparing Recent Migration in the US and Europe (Oxford: Lexington, 2005)
"The Liberal Dilemma in the Ethics of Refugee Policy", in G. Lahav and A. Messina, eds., The Migration Reader: Exploring Politics and Policies (Boulder, CO., Lynne Rienner Publishers, Forthcoming 2005).
"Innere Sicherheit durch Einwanderungskontrolle?", Friedensgutachten (Lit Verlag: Münster, 2002), pp. 135-41.3
"EU External Policy and the Prevention of Displacement: A Case of Conflicting Agendas?", AFK-Band Macht - Europa - Frieden?, forthcoming Winter 2002 (24 pp.)

Working Papers

"The European Migration Network and the Symbolic Functions of Expert Knowledge" (Paris: 2006)

?Migration in Europe?, Paper Prepared for the Global Commission on International Migration (Geneva: 2005)

-- with Meng-Hsuan Chou and Julie Smith, "Reconciling Demand for Labour Migration with Public Concerns about Immigration: Germany and the UK", Anglo-German Foundation Report (London: AGF, August 2005)

"Knowledge Transfer and Migration Policy Making", Special Lecture on Migration (Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, October 2004)
-- with Silvia Stiller and Thomas Straubhaar, ?Forecasting Labour and Skills Shortages: How Can Projections Better Inform Labour Migration Policies?? (MRG, 2004)
-- with Jeff Crisp, ?Poverty, International Migration and Asylum?, UNU WIDER Policy Brief No. 8 (Helsinki: UNU-WIDER, 2004)
?Preventing the Causes of Migration and Refugee Flows: Towards an EU Policy Framework?, New Issues in Refugee Research (Geneva: UNHCR, December 2002)
?European Immigration and Asylum Policy: The Laeken Summit and Beyond?, Chatham House Briefing Paper (London: RIIA, February 2002)
?Spreading the Costs of Asylum: A Critical Analysis of Dispersal Policies in the UK and Germany?, Anglo-German Foundation Report 1314 (London and Berlin: AGF, June 2001)
?EU Enlargement: What are the Prospects for East-West Migration??, Chatham House Working Paper (London: RIIA: December 2000)
"Asylum in Europe: Challenges and Strategies for the 21st Century", Briefing to UK Parliamentarians, June 2000
-- with Anne Bayefsky, Michael Doyle et. al. (co-rapporteur), "Emergency Return: Principles and Guidelines" (Princeton, NJ: Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1999)
"Responding to Declining Protection Standards: The Strategies Open to UNHCR", UNHCR policy paper, January 1998
"Return after Ethnic Cleansing: Dilemmas and Policy Responses", UNHCR policy paper, August 1997
-- With Eric Morris, "Reintegration in the Transition from War to Peace", UNHCR policy paper, May 1997 (UNHCR contribution to the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee)
"Voluntary Repatriation: A Critical Analysis", UNHCR policy paper, December 1996
"Reception in the Region of Origin", Inter-governmental Consultations, August 1996
"Methods for Estimating Stocks of Illegal Immigrants in European IGC Participating States", Inter-governmental Consultations, July 1995