Prize awarded for an outstanding M.A. thesis by the Franconian Geographical Society (Fränkische Geographische Gesellschaft FGG), Erlangen
since 2005
Network of Excellence in the domain of International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE)
since 2001
Association of Geographers at German Universities (VGDH)
Other Functions
Since 2007
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Student Journal for Politics and Society 360°
forthcoming 2009
Changing patterns of Polish labour migration after UK's opening of the labour market? Insights from rural case studies in the voidvodship Opolskie and Swietokrzyskie. (with Emilia Lewandowska) In: Kathy Burrell (ed.): Polish Migration to the UK in the 'New' European Union: After 2004, Ashgate.
forthcoming 2008
Politici de migratie si strategii ale migrantilor transnationali între România si Spania. In: Anghel, Remus and Istvan Horvath (eds.): Sociologia Migratiei: Cazul Romanesc. Polirom. (with Oana Ciobanu) [Translated title: Migration policies and strategies of transnational migrants between Romania and Spain]
Der Einfluss von Migration auf die Herkunftsgemeinden. Fallstudien polnisch-deutscher Migrationen. In: Nowicka, Magda (Hg.): Von Polen nach Deutschland und zurück. Die Arbeitsmigration und ihre Herausforderungen für Europa. transcript Publishers: pp. 249-270. (with Emilia Lewandowska) [Translated title: The influence of migration on the origin communities. Case studies Polish-German migrations]
State of the Art: Migration Decision Making and Social Networks (KnowMig Working Paper, February 2005)
Biannual Conference of the German Geographers (Deutscher Geographentag), 2007, Bayreuth, Germany; Topic: Are "ethnic" entrepreneurs different entrepreneurs?
Sept 2007
IMISCOE Annual conference 2007 at University of Sussex, UK; Topic: Evaluating the Impact of Migration Policy Changes on Migration Strategies. Insights from Romanian-Spanish migrations (with Oana Ciobanu)
Aug 2007
Royal Geographic Society-Institute of British Geographers RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2007 in London, UK; Topic: Being an ‘ethnic entrepreneur’ or just being entrepreneurial?
Apr 2007
Conference "Three Years On: EU Accession and East European Migration to the UK and Ireland", Leicester, DeMontfort University, Presentation on "Changing Patterns of Polish Migration after May 2004? Insights from Rural Migration to the UK" (with Emilia Lewandowska)
July 2006
International Migration Conference, Migrinter, University of Poitiers, France Topic: Are Ethnic Entrepreneurs Different Entrepreneurs? A Study about Social Capital of Pakistani and German Businessmen.