Emilia Brinkmeier
(née Lewandowska)

Centre for Migration Research (CMR)

Banacha 2b
02-097 Warsaw

Website www.migracje.uw.edu.pl
Email Emilia.Lewandowska[at]uw.edu.pl

Education Professional Experience Teaching Experience Workshops Publications Affiliations
Research Focus:
  • Mechanisms and consequences of migration
  • Process of adaptation of immigrants
  • Identity of ethnic minorities
Since 2003 Individual Ph.D. student at the Institute of Social Studies and Centre of Migration Research at Warsaw University, Poland.
PhD working title: ?Polish Labour Migration in the Netherlands. Social Context of Legal and Illegal Behaviour on the Dutch Labour Market?
Double co-ordination: Prof. Michael Bommes (University of Osnabrück) and Prof. Marek Okólski (Warsaw University)
2003 - 2004 One-year study ?International Migration? at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University
1998 - 2003 Faculty of Cross-Cultural Psychology at Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Professional Experience
September 2006 - August 2007 Research fellow in the EU Marie Curie Excellence grant project on migrant networks "KnowMig"; the University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Studies
September 2005 - August 2006 Research fellow in the EU Marie Curie Excellence grant project on migrant networks "KnowMig"; Migration Research Group (MRG), Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Since July 2006 Research project ?Migration from Poland after May 1st 2004?, Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw University
2005 - 2006 Initiator and member of editorial board of an (electronic) bulletin on migration: www.migration-news.uw.edu.pl
Since 2005 Publishing (electronically) periodical bulletin on migration for Polish ministries and institutions related to emigrants and immigrants
Since 2003 Research Project ?Multiple citizenship. Social, economic and political aspects of the phenomenon.?, Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw University
2001- 2003 Research Project on the ?Multicultural Warsaw?; Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Teaching Experience
January 2008 Course on "Economic integration of Polish immigrants" at the postgraduate studies on International Migration for labour service officers within the project "Educating labour service officers in the field of international migration" Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw
March 2005 Seminar on ?Transformation of cultural and national identity by migration? at Faculty of Economic Science, Warsaw University
February-June 2003 Co-lecturer in seminary about multiculturalism at Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Workshops & Trainings
July 2006 Training on Grounded Theory Analysis conducted by Dr. Susanne Friese, Qualitative Research and Consulting, Hannover, Germany
March 2006 Training on qualitative methods ? biographical interviews, problem-centred interviews and group discussions ? with Jr. Prof. Arnd-Michael Nohl, Center for Qualitative Evaluation and Social Research CES e.V., Berlin, Germany
December 2004 Course on ?Advances in the Modeling of Migration as a Process? under of supervision of Prof. dr. Oded Stark at the Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics
February 2004 French-Polish seminary in France on cross-cultural psychology: adaptation and cross-cultural training
February 2003 Polish?French seminary in Poland on cross-cultural psychology: cross-cultural negotiations and mediations
January-April 2003 Trainer?s assistant at children?s workshops at Integration Primary School, Warsaw
May 2002 Internship at the Polish Office for Repatriation and Aliens, Warsaw, Poland
Papers at Conferences
July 2007 Paper on "The case of the Netherlands. Polish Irregular Workers in Dutch Agriculture" , ESF Workshop, University of Osnabrück (Germany)
April 2007 Paper on ?New and Old Migration Patterns of Polish Labour Migrants? (with Tim Elrick), IMISCOE A2 conference ?EU enlargement and labour migration within the EU?, Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw University
April 2007 Paper on ?Changing Patterns of Polish Migration after May 2004? Insights from rural migration to UK? (with Tim Elrick), symposium ?Three Years On: EU Accession and East European Migration to the UK and Ireland?, De Montford University, Leicester (UK)
September 2006 Paper on ?Identity of Polish return migrants with multiple citizenships?, Annual Seminar of the Centre of Migration Research, Kazimierz, Poland
July 2006 Participated in the conference ?Migrinter Conference?, University of
Poitiers, France.
July 2006 Paper on ?Cultural aspects of migration decision-making in short-term migration from Poland to Holland? at the 1st IMISCOE PhD Conference, University of Poitiers, France
April 2006 Paper on ?The Influence of Migration Policy Changes on Migration Practices. Preliminary Findings from Different Regions in Poland? (with Tim Fallenbacher), international seminar on ?Polish ? German Labor Migration after May 2004 and its Challenges for the Regions?, Department of Labour and Economy, City Council of Munich and Economic and Trade Department of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Munich, Germany
April 2006 Paper on ?The man and the mask?, conference on ?Contemporary Return Migration?, Warsaw University, Poland
January 2006 Paper on ?Culture of migration and mobility patterns of Polish workers migrating to the Netherlands and to Germany?, conference on ?Documented and Undocumented Migration within Europe?, University of Dortmund, Germany
September 2005 ?(Multiple) citizenship and cultural identity? at the conference on ?Citizenship and identity in developing multicultural countries and on the boundaries?, Suprasl, Poland
May 2005 ?Transnationalism, citizenship and identity? at the conference on ?Vanishing Borders??, Cracow, Poland
August 2004 ?More Polish or more British. Identity of the first generation of Poles in UK? at the 17th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology in X?ian, China

"Illegality in everyday life. The case of Polish workers in Dutch agriculture" in: M. Bommes, G. Sciortino, "Foggy Social Structures: Irregular Migration and Informal Economy in Western Europe". IMISCOE-AUP Publication


with Tim Elrick. Matching and Making Labour Demand and Supply. Agents in Polish Migrant Networks of Domestic Elderly Care in Germany and Italy. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34(5)

2007 with Tim Elrick. "Der Einfluss von Migration auf die Herkunftsgemeinden. Fallstudien polnisch-deutscher Migrationen". In: Nowicka, Magda: Von Polen nach Deutschland und zurück. Die Arbeitsmigration und ihre Herausforderungen für Europa. transcript Publishers: 249-270. [Translated title: The influence of migration on the origin communities. Case studies Polish-German migrations]
2006 with Zuzanna Ronowicz. ?From Emigration to Repatriation: Second Generation of Polish Emigrants in Great Britain and Polish Repatriates from Kazakhstan?. Studia Psychologiczne, Vol 44 (1) (Psychological Studies, special issue).
Network of Excellence in the domain of International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE)