Dragos Radu (MRG member)

Migration Research Group

Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
D - 20347 Hamburg
Tel. +49 (0) 40 / 4 28 34 - 438

Teaching Membership Working papers

Research Interests

  • Economic analysis of individual migration decisions
  • Selectivity patterns and welfare implications of European labour migration
  • Ethnicity and gender effects on the German labour market
  • Economics of Transition
  • Summer Term 2004 Seminar: Economics of International Migration
    Hamburg University, Institute for International Trade (PD Dr. Michael Bräuninger)
Working papers
  • Human Capital Content and Selectivity of Romanian Emigration, Luxembourg Income Study, Working Paper No.365, 2003
  • Characteristics and Performance of East European Migrants in Germany: What Prospects for Integration?, HWWA-FLOWENLA Paper No.7, 2003