Virtual Laboratory of Migration (VLM)      

KnowMig Data Projects

Migration Survrey (Romania, July 2003)

The study (commissioned by OIM Bucharest) has been conducted in June 2003 on a country wide representative sample of respondents in Romania (n=1370). The variables include information on migration for work experience abroad (for returnees including retrospective information on the destination countries, length of stay, frequency of trips, employment, remittances and saving behaviour), migration intentions (for temporary or permanent prospective migrants) as well as detailed information for up to four household members currently abroad or who have had migration experience before and returned (including details on their motivation, destinations, employment abroad, and remitting behaviour).

Codebooks and descriptives can be generated out of the data.
A subsample can be downloaded here (in .sav format).

Please contact us if you plan to use the data for your research. The full sample can be obtained upon request from the KNOWMIG project.

Virtual Laboratory of Migration
Methodologies for Migration Data

Micro Data Collection
· Survey methodology
· Qualitative methods
Macro Data Collection
· Migration statistics
· Asylum statistics

Online Migration Data
Online Surveys

Highly skilled migrants

Data Centres

· East-West-Migration
· Statistical Offices

Edinburgh University Data Library