The University of Edinburgh
Marie Curie
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Many projects and articles with elite writing still remain at

Please find here a list of publications disseminated by the KnowMig project:




Books and special issues

  • Christina Boswell, "The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge: Immigration Policy and Social Research" (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2009).
  • Christina Boswell, with Peter Mueser, eds. "Economics in Migration Research: Towards Interdisciplinary Integration?", Special Issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34:4.
  • Tim Elrick, with Adrian Favell, eds. "The New Face of East-West Migration in Europe", Special Issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34:5.

Book chapters

  • Christina Boswell, "Migration Policy Debates in Europe after 9/11: Securitization, Embedded Liberalism, or the Quest for Legitimation?", in Terri E. Givens, Gary P. Freeman, and David L. Leal, eds. "Immigration Policy and Security: U.S., European, and Commonwealth Perspectives" (New York: Routledge, 2008).
  • Christina Boswell, "Migration in Europe", in Barbara Marshall, ed. "The Politics of Migration: A Survey" (London: Routledge, 2006).
  • Tim Elrick and Emilia Brinkmeier, "Changing patterns of Polish labour migration after UK´s opening of the labour market? Insights from rural case studies in the voidvodship Opolskie and Swietokrzyskie", in Kathy Burrell, ed. " Polish Migration to the UK in the 'New' European Union: After 2004" (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009).
  • Oana Ciobanu and Tim Elrick, "Politici de migratie si strategii ale migrantilor transnationali intre Romania si Spania", in Remus Anghel and Istvan Horvath, eds. "Sociologia Migratiei: Cazul Romanesc" (Iasi: Polirom, forthcoming 2008).
  • Emilia Lewandowska and Tim Elrick, "Der Einfluss von Migration auf die Herkunftsgemeinden. Fallstudien polnisch-deutscher Migrationen", in Magdalena Nowicka, ed. " Von Polen nach Deutschland und zurück. Die Arbeitsmigration und ihre Herausforderungen für Europa" (Bielefeld: transcript publishers, 2007), pp. 249-270.
  • Dragos Radu, "The Determinants and Labour Market Impact of Romanian Emigration", in K. F. Zimmermann, ed. "EU Enlargement and Labour Markets" (Springer Press, forthcoming 2009).

Policy briefs

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